ISSN: 2471-9846

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A Nursing Care in Children ? A Systematic Review

Guang Ramazanu

To understand the impact of humanistic nursing care show wards in Children Caring Ward School (CCWS) on the nurses' caring capacity. Survey 25 medical caretakers of humanistic nursing care show wards in CCWS utilizing the Nkongho Caring Capacity Stock (CAI) sometime recently and after execute the humanistic nursing care demonstrate, counting change the frameworks of nursing care, present humanistic care show, actualize the humanistic care, to degree the nurses' caring capacity. The nurses' caring ability had significantly developed on total, cognition dimension, courage dimension and patience dimension after all measures considered. The humanistic nursing care show wards in CCWS includes a positive effect on the nurses' caring capacity, not as it were to assist construct incredible connections between medical attendants and patients but moreover to improve the patients' fulfillment.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.