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A Retrospective Analysis of Prevalence of Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bursal Disease in Poultry at Kishoreganj, Bangladesh

Das A, Ghosh P, Sen A, Das A and Chowdhury S

Occurrence of Newcastle Disease (ND) and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) were identified as the major problem for broiler and layer farming in Bangladesh. The study was undertaken to observe the occurrence of newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease in poultry farms of Kishoreganj, Bangladesh, during the period from 1st March, 2017 to 6th April, 2017 and from 5th July, 2017 to 4th August, 2017. Another purpose of this study is to observe the post mortem findings that are commonly found in case of newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease. The diseases were diagnosed on the basis of history, clinical signs and post-mortem findings. Overall 300 farms were examined during the study period. Among them the numbers of broiler and layer farms were 180 and 120 respectively. Overall occurrence of ND among 300 farms were 17.67% (n=53) and in case of IBD it is 34% (n=102). In 180 broiler farms total 8.9% (n=16) and 48.3% (n=87) broiler farms were recorded for having new castle disease and infectious bursal disease respectively and in case of 120 layer farms total 30.8% (n=37) and 12.5% (n=15) farms were recorded for having new castle disease and infectious bursal disease respectively. Strict bio- security and continued surveillance of poultry is required to minimize the outbreak of those diseases.

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