ISSN: 2329-8863

Avanços na ciência e tecnologia agrícola

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A Review on Antioxidant, Anti-Tumor and Other Qualitative Properties of Grape Seed Extract

Vikas TM, Gulshan K, Cherry Nalwa

One of the most popular fruits consumed worldwide is the grape. The leaves and sap of grape plants have long been employed in traditional medicine in ancient Europe. The skin and seeds of grapes are a great source of vitamins and fibre, but they are also particularly high in polyphenols, namely proanthocyanidins, which can be used as a functional component to treat a variety of health conditions by enhancing the body’s natural bio-processes. Protection against oxidative damage, as well as anti-diabetic, anti-cholesterol, and anti-platelet activities, are among the possible health advantages of these compounds. People are turning to grape seeds as a source of proanthocyanidins due to their growing conscious of the positive effects these compounds may have on their health. This article presents some of the diverse pharmacological and qualitative properties of grape seed extract in brief.