ISSN: 2157-7617

Jornal de Ciências da Terra e Mudanças Climáticas

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A Short Note on Crystallography

Dr. Armin Khan

The study of the structure and properties of crystals, which are solids with highly ordered arrangements of atoms, ions, or molecules, is known as crystallography. Physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, and other disciplines are all involved in this multidisciplinary field. Earth science is one of the fields in which crystallography plays a crucial role. The study of our planet's physical and chemical processes, as well as its structure, composition, and history, is known as earth science. Geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and mineralogy are just a few of the many subdisciplines that make up this vast and intricate field. Because it enables researchers to ascertain the atomic structure of minerals, rocks, and other Earth-based materials, crystallography is an indispensable tool for many of these sub-disciplines. The study of crystals, including their structure, properties, and formation, is the focus of the science known as crystallography. Crystals are solid materials with a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules arranged in a particular way, either naturally occurring or manufactured. Crystals are characterized by their distinctive shape, symmetry, and unique physical properties due to this arrangement of atoms and molecules.