ISSN: 2155-6105

Jornal de Pesquisa e Terapia de Dependência

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A Toddler's Rehabilitation Following Ilizarov?s fixation for Tibial Pseudoarthrosis due to Addiction

Tasneem Mustafa Lakkadsha, Deepak Jain, Pratik Phansopkar

Pseudoarthrosis of the tibia is one of the rare conditions in children; it causes a deformity in the tibia of the affected leg, causing the tibia to bend backward. Our patient came to the physiotherapy department for postoperative management of Ilizarov's external fixator because he experienced something similar. When the patient initially arrived at the department, her ankle ranges were almost non-existent, and her hip and knee ranges had been reduced along with her strength in the affected limb. Her physiotherapy regimen was meticulously designed keeping in mind her age and the activities that she shall enjoy so that we may effortlessly achieve our desired outcome through this play therapy. After a month of giving her routines to follow at home, we observed significant improvements in her strength and joint ranges, leading to the conclusion that physiotherapy is indeed helpful in this novel condition.

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