ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportamento de crianças e adolescentes

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Adolescents with Diet-Related Chronic Health Conditions (DRCHCs) and Unique Risk for Development of Eating Pathology

Jennie David, Elizabeth Culnan and Lauren Ernst

Diet-Related Chronic Health Conditions (DRCHCs) are a subset of chronic health illnesses, which presently includes Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Cystic Fibrosis (CF), and Celiac Disease (CD). Food and diet play integral roles in the management and progression of each condition. The diversity of treatments for DRCHCs encompass therapies that impact diet, weight, and body shape, such as steroids, insulin, and special and/or restrictive diets. Often with efforts to control unwanted side effects of the myriad of treatments, there is poor adherence to prescribed therapies. Given the psychosocial burden of DRCHCs, and the high degree of focus on weight and diet involved in managing each disorder, it is not surprising that those living with DRCHCs may be at risk for developing body image concerns, including poor body image and weight concerns, which may increase the risk for the development of eating pathology. In addition to summarizing current eating pathology risk factors present in DRCHCs, the proposed article builds on previous research by recommending an expansion of the category of DRCHCs to include Type II Diabetes and serious/anaphylactic food allergies, and hypothesizes DRCHC-specific eating pathology risk factors, such as hyper focus on weight, medically-related food restriction, and societal acceptance of thinness despite health issues. The article concludes with clinical recommendations for pediatric medical providers to potentially minimize the negative impact of DRCHC on pediatric patients’ medical and psychosocial outcomes.

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