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Niwedita P
Rice crops are one of the most important crops in the world, providing a staple food for over half of the world’s population. Rice cultivation dates back over 10,000 years and has spread globally, with over 163 million hectares of rice crops grown annually. Rice crops face several challenges, including increasing demand for food production, climate change, and environmental degradation. To address these challenges, researchers are developing new crop varieties and production systems to increase yields, reduce environmental impact, and enhance resilience to environmental stresses. These developments include genetic engineering, precision agriculture, and new rice varieties. The continued development of rice crops is essential to meet the growing demand for food production while ensuring sustainability and environmental conservation. Rice cultivation dates back to over 10,000 years ago in the Yangtze River Valley in China. Over time, rice cultivation spread to other parts of Asia and eventually to Europe, the Americas, and Africa. Today, rice is grown in over 100 countries worldwide