ISSN: 2332-0877

Jornal de doenças infecciosas e terapia

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An Outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Epidemic in India: Challenges and Preventions

Anju Khandelwal, Ashish Agrawal and Avanish Kumar

With the end of the year 2019, the world had affected with an unknown terrible disease which was, at an initial
stage, inculcating the symptoms of pneumonia and spasm but later on people start realizing that it was much more
than expected and called it as the "Noval Coronavirus (COVID19)". The worst part was that no medicine and
vaccine was available to tackle the situation. Within two months, it spread to almost all continent and affected many
countries and obviously had entered in India at the end of January. Soon, the disease had crossed the stage one
and entered into stage two. The rate of growth of COVID19 in India has been increased exponentially up to an
extent and affected the country in so many ways whether it is socially, economically, and culturally. This paper
contains the study of the effect of COVID19 on Indian citizens, their minds of state, Indian Government's actions to
tackle the terrible situation generated by this disease, as WHO categorized it pandemic.