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Analysis of Prosthetic Mesh Repair in Obstructed Inguinal Hernia

Muhammad Harris Siddique

Aims and objectives: The basic aim of the study

is to analyse the prosthetic mesh repair in ob-
structed inguinal hernia. Material and methods: This

cross sectional study was performed with 70 patients
who had been admitted to our hospital’s emergency
department between January 2019 to August 2019,
to undergo surgery for a diagnosis of obstructed

inguinal hernia. Patients who died in the postoper-
ative period due to systemic complications, as well

as those who were lost during the follow-up period,

were excluded from the study. The patients were di-
vided into two groups based on the applied surgical

technique. Results: Mesh-based repair techniques
were performed on the 35 patients comprising Group
1, while tissue repair techniques were performed on
the 35 patients comprising Group 2. In this study,
81.5% of the patients were male, while 18.5% were

female. Female patients had a significantly higher ra-
tio of femoral hernia than male patients, while male

patients had a significantly higher ratio of inguinal
hernia than female patients. In Group 3 (table 1),
6.7% (1) of the patients had wound infections, while
6.7% hematomas, 6.7% had seromas, and none had
relapses. In Group 4, 7.2% of the patients had wound

infections, while 1% had hematomas, 3% had sero-
mas, and 1% had relapses. Conclusion: It is conclud-
ed that the use of polypropylene mesh in incarcer-
ated inguinal hernia repair has no negative effect on

wound infection or complications.

INTRODUCTION: Inguinal hernia is a commonly en-
countered urgent condition in surgical clinics. An ab-
dominal wall hernia is a protrusion of the abdominal

tissues or organs through a weakness in the muscu-
lar structure of the wall of the abdomen. Inguinal

and femoral hernias are usually classified together

as groin hernias [1]. It is believed that the prevalence
of groin hernias in a population varies between 3%

and 8%. Between 75% and 85% of all hernias are ob-
served in men. Inguinal hernias account for 80– 83%

of all hernias (59% indirect inguinal hernias, 25% di-
rect inguinal hernias, 5% femoral hernias). The most

common hernias in both genders is inguinal hernia;
however, femoral hernias are reported to be more
common in women than in men [2]. Worldwide, more
than 20 million patients undergo groin hernia repair
annually. The many different approaches, treatment
indications and a significant array of techniques for
groin hernia repair warrant guidelines to standardize
care, minimize complications, and improve results.

The main goal of these guidelines is to improve pa-
tient outcomes, specifically to decrease recurrence

rates and reduce chronic pain, the most frequent
problems following groin hernia repair [3]. They have

been endorsed by all five continental hernia societ-
ies, the International Endo Hernia Society and the

European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Ingui-
nal hernia is a commonly encountered urgent condi-
tion in surgical clinics. Incarcerated inguinal hernia is

a commonly encountered urgent surgical condition,

and tension free repair is a well-established meth-
od for the treatment of non-complicated cases [4].

However, due to the risk of prosthetic materialrelat-
ed infections, the use of mesh in the repair of stran-
gulated or incarcerated hernia has often been the

subject of debate. Recent studies have demonstrat-
ed that biomaterials represent suitable materials for

performing urgent hernia repair [5]. Certain studies
recommend mesh repair only for cases where no
bowel resection is required; other studies, however,

recommend mesh repair for patients requiring bow-