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Anterior Teeth Cosmetic Effects of Nanocomposite Resin

Tankeshwar Khaliq

This study aims to analyze the cosmetic effect of Nano composite resin on anterior teeth. Nanocomposite resins are a recent advancement in dental materials, offering improved aesthetics and mechanical properties. The objective of this research is to evaluate the cosmetic outcomes of using Nano composite resin in anterior tooth restorations. The study involved a sample of patients who required anterior tooth restorations and were treated using Nano composite resin. The cosmetic effect was assessed through visual inspection, shade matching, and patient satisfaction surveys. Additionally, the longevity and durability of the restorations were evaluated. The results showed that Nano composite resin provided excellent cosmetic outcomes, with natural appearance and superior color matching. The patients expressed high satisfaction levels with the esthetic results achieved. Furthermore, the restorations demonstrated good longevity and durability over the study period. In conclusion, the use of Nano composite resin for anterior tooth restorations offers a viable and aesthetically pleasing option, providing excellent cosmetic results and patient satisfaction.