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Artificial Biopolymers Resistant Textiles and Containers Chemical Manipulation of Polymers

Suhee Song

Artificial biopolymers are human made copies of biopolymers
obtained abiotic chemical routes. Synthetic biopolymer of different
chemical nature have been acquired, the high molecular weight of
biopolymers make their synthesis inherently exhausting. in addition
demanding situations can stand up from particular spatial arrangement
followed the herbal biopolymer, which can be crucial for its properties
hobby but now not effortlessly reproducible in the artificial copy,
chemical approaches to achieve biopolymer are extraordinarily suitable
to conquer troubles bobbing up from low abundance of the goal
biopolymer, the need for cumbersome isolation strategies or excessive
batch-to-batch variability or inhomogeneity of the obviously-sourced
species. Polymers had been vital additives of commodities because the
early days of humankind.