ISSN: 2161-0711

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Assessment of Domestic Solid Waste Handling and Management Systems in Sekoru Town, Southwest Ethiopia, 2018

Abraham Teym* , Aynew Negesse, Mahmud Ahmednur

Solid waste is defined as a material which no longer has any value to its place of origin, discarded or unwanted at the point of generation; its management systems should be simple, affordable and sustainable. Domestic solid waste is wastes that are generated from household activities. The main objective of this study to assess domestic solid waste onsite handling and management systems in Sekoru town. A cross-sectional study was conducted from May 10-15, 2018 to assess solid waste handling and management patterns at household levels in Sekoru town. Data was collected using questionnaire and observations. The study finding show that, the type of storage container used most of the household was used sack 234 (75%) and metal dust bin 55 (17.6%). Concerning the place of waste disposal, 177 (69.9%) throw outside the yard and 42 (16.6%) throw it in the waste pit. Finally the study concluded that open dumping; outside yard is the major disposal methods practiced by the residents. These indicating that the absence of effective municipal service in the handling and disposal of solid waste, lack of awareness among the public at the town. The present study recommend develop and implement public education & awareness programs to promote environmentally sound handling, storage and disposal of domestic solid waste by collaborating the community and the municipal administration of the town.