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Assessment of Livestock Feed Resources in Boloso Sore Woreda, Wolayita Zone, Ethiopia

Habtegiorgis K, Asrat M, Getiso A and Yirga H

The study was conducted in Wolita zone Boloso sore woreda. The objective of the study was to assess and identify major livestock feed resources availability and feeding calendar. Livestock feed resources was identified using semi-structured questionnaire, group discussion and key informants. Observations were also made to cross check the information obtained. The average landholding of the area is 0.95 ha per household. Grazing areas (both individual and communal) constituted the largest proportion in wet and sustainable feed supply throughout the year. Crop residue is the main feed source for livestock during dry season. About 14.16% of the total land holding is used for grazing (for cut and carry and free grazing). Feed resources available to the farmers are dominated by poor quality of natural pastures and crop production. Shortage of grazing land and inadequate feed supply are the major constraints of livestock production in the area. Having many more problems associated with livestock feeding with regard to shortage of feed, there is no strategic feed conservation in the form of silage and hays. Therefore, government and non-governmental organizations should play a significant role through training farmers, and creating awareness about livestock feed resource improvement (conservation of feed, improved forage development and etc.) regarding to quantity as well as quality aspects.