ISSN: 2573-458X

Poluição Ambiental e Mudanças Climáticas

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Assessment of Socio Economic Vulnerability to Flooding in Mweniyumba Neighbourhood, Karonga Township

Chakufwa Kaulanda Munthali, Mtafu Manda, Wisdom Bwanali

This study assessed the socio economic vulnerability to floods and its impacts on livelihoods of people based on a modified combination of the Sustainable Livelihoods Conceptual Framework by Department for International Development (DFID) in Mweniyumba Neighborhood by using a survey of 350 households and Focus Group Discussions. The social economic vulnerability analysis focused on exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity to floods. Vulnerability at the household level was assessed using drivers of flood vulnerability; these were (i) access to land,(iii) Main source of income (iv) type of house, (v) household assets, (vi) demographic composition of household, (vii) occupation of household. The analysis of flood vulnerability in Mweniyumba shows that access to agricultural land is the most important factor in determining the households’ ability to respond to floods and sustain their livelihoods. The study has revealed that different socio-economic groups implement different coping and adaptation measures because of their differential access to livelihood assets. To reduce vulnerability to floods in Mweniyumba Neighbourhood, the study suggests that the adaptation strategies to be promoted should be those that can be accessible and adopted by the community. Specific emphasis should be given to the improvement of women’s welfare through better access to productive assets and resources