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Dr Sagar Chaudhari.

Senile cataract is a vision-impairing disease caused by age, and it is characterized by the gradual progressive thickening of the lens in the eye. This disease is the world’s leading cause of treatable blindness, which is unfortunate, as age-related cataract is reversible. Due to this fact, early detection, careful and attentive monitoring, and timely surgical intervention must be taken into consideration to manage this disease. This type of cataract occurs in the cortex of the eye. Patients will experience decreased levels of total proteins, amino acids, and potassium as well as an increased concentration of sodium and marked hydration of the lens. This is followed by the coagulation of proteins. Out of the 2,477 patients examined in the Framingham Eye Study from 1973–1975, senile cataract was seen in 15 percent of the group.