Nosso grupo organiza mais de 3.000 Séries de conferências Eventos todos os anos nos EUA, Europa e outros países. Ásia com o apoio de mais 1.000 Sociedades e publica mais de 700 Acesso aberto Periódicos que contém mais de 50.000 personalidades eminentes, cientistas de renome como membros do conselho editorial.
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700 periódicos e 15 milhões de leitores Cada periódico está obtendo mais de 25.000 leitores
Woodrow W. Clark II
Circular Economics has been implemented in the EU (2016)
and beginning in China (2018). Circular Economics is also being
applied to “Bio-Energy” and related areas such as fuels.
Bio-energy can be utilized as the driving force, which overturns
the charging mode of traditional electric driving and fixed
charging facilities. Meanwhile, it can also make the vehicles directly
utilize solar energy like chlorophyll, which satisfies travel
demand and will not generate any pollution at the same time.
Besides, at news conference, people can witness the world’s
drivable bio-energy and fuel cars. The modules of bio-fuels are
perfectly integrated into the vehicles, providing clean green energy
for vehicles which greatly enhances environment protection
and driving comfort of vehicles.
The Next Economics is Circular Economics (CE) which is
being implement now around the world as it indcludes areas
from technology, science and energy to link together in order
to be less expensive, have externalities that reduce as well as
reverse climate change today (2019).