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Breif Note On Myoclonic Seizures.

Mamatha Kumari

Myoclonic seizures are sudden jerks of a muscle or a group of muscles. "Myo" denotes muscle, and "clonus" (KLOH-nus) indicates fast muscle contraction and relaxation (jerking or twitching). They usually last no more than a second or two. There may be only one, but there may be several in a short period of time.There may be only one, but there may be several in a short period of time. Myoclonic seizures are epilepsy symptoms that induce abnormal movements on both sides of the body at the same time. They can be found in a variety of epileptic syndromes, each with its own set of symptoms.The convulsions in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy frequently affect the neck, shoulders, and upper arms. Seizures commonly occur shortly after waking up in many individuals. In people with a normal range of IQ, they normally start around adolescence or early adulthood.

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