ISSN: 2329-9053

Jornal de Farmacêutica Molecular e Pesquisa de Processos Orgânicos

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Cancer- The dreadful illness antidote with traditional methodology of Ayurveda

Gauri Sethi

Cancer is defined as a condition in which normal cells proliferate uncontrollably. The cells which proliferate uncontrollably with the normal cells in the competition with the food and the space required for the growth leads to the destruction of the healthy cells. It is caused by the accumulation of detrimental variation in the genome over the course of a lifetime. Cancer cells show genomic instability. For cancer cells, if there is DNA replication error, then the cells continue to divide and it will pass the mutations in the other cells. As the mutations in the repairing pathways accumulate with the course of time, the frequency of mutations increases in the cancer cells genome. The stage at metastasis has dreadful effects in which the affected cells travelled to the unaffected areas. The possibility of being affected by cancer is mainly contributed by the following four major factors i.e. obesity, eating habits, and lifestyle.Till this date, medicines and drugs have been considered as an important aspect (Cancer Research UK, 2018).They are playing a vital role in cure, prevention, treatment of various dreadful diseases. Ayurveda gave information about various drugs for cure, enhancing the power of nervous and immune system. The study of Ayurveda is a system, where human beings are considered individuals and the therapeutic values are logically proven and scientifically proven. Ayurvedic drugs detoxify the body and purify the blood with minimal side effects. The herbomineral origins of the drugs are pure without the chemical intervention. Since ancient times, Vedic time, the Vedas also describes about the usage of these minimal side effects drugs. The scientists all around the globe are working to find the growth. The great three scientist defined human body is based on Dhatu, Dosha and Mala. Whenever any imbalance happens inside the body, it causes inflammation (Shopha). Various scientists have already invested time and money into it but, landed up nowhere. Still research is going on to find out fruitful results. The invention of modern medicinal industry or pharmaceutical industry is a great outcome of providing a target on the specific root, using single molecule to target upon. There has been a vital success found with the help of botanical nature’s medicine. Numerous natural things like turmeric, garlic and rauwolfia have turned out to be beneficial in curing hypertension, and other antibacterial, antiviral diseases (Dhruva et al., 2014). The Ayurveda has the ability to diagnose the causes of disease which were underlied. In Ayurveda, even cancer is not considered as a different disease. It is also a disease caused due to the set of factors which includes: malfunctioning of three dosha (Vata, Pitta and kapha) and systematic imbalance. The specific disease like cold, cough, diarrhoea and even cancer it occurs due to abnormality of the bio factors and the body tissue which are weakened (, 2018).