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Cervical Cancer Sociodemographic and Clinical Risk Factors among Adult Egyptian Females

El-Moselhy EA 

Cervical malignant growth is a significant medical issue around the world. Low financial status, no screening participation, smoking, Oral Contraceptives (OCs) utilization, multiparous, and sexual multi-accomplices are significant hazard factors. Critical sociodemographic hazard factors were low training, low occupation, and age ≥ 50 (OR=3.42, 4.79, 3.35; separately). Likewise, huge sexual conduct hazard factors were early sexual practice, practice with STDs indicative accomplice, none circumcised accomplice, and ≥ 3 life time sexual accomplices (OR=5.36, 3.1, 12.28, 26.25; separately). In the mean time, critical gynecological and conceptive hazard factors were age at marriage <18, age from the outset full term work <20, multiparity >5, vaginal conveyance, and OCs utilization (OR=2.63, 2.06, 2.19, 11.86, 4.93; separately). Noteworthy clinical and family ancestry hazard factors were heftiness, history of STDs, and positive family ancestry of cervical malignant growth (OR=5.42, 4.44, 14.93; individually). Huge way of life hazard factors were low products of the soil admission, aloof smoker, liquor use, and poor genital cleanliness (OR=7.04, 10.23, 4.34, 2.36; individually).