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Commentary about New Perspectives on Weight Loss in Obese Peruvian Patients

Cristina CasasTapia*, Lil SaavedraTafur and Alberto Casas Lucich

Obesity is a major health care issue into the morbidity resulting from this condition, another illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, and metabolic syndrome, among others [1]. Peru is a medium-income developing country and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) Dوٴects 7% of the population [2]. Although lifestyle modLficDtLons and medical therapy are the mainstays of management for obesity and T2DM, adequate glycemic control is dLٹcult to achieve in most obese patients with T2DM [3]. Matthews et al. describe in 1985 the HOMA index ("Homeostasis model assessment") based on the assumption that insulin blood levels and blood sugar levels before meal with or without normal glucose tolerance are set at a specLfic level of their own organism [4]. Нe HOMA model has proved be a robust clinical and epidemiological tool in descriptions of the pathophysiology of diabetes. It has become one of the standard tools in the armamentarium of the clinical physiologist

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