ISSN: 2161-0711

Medicina Comunitária e Educação em Saúde

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Community Health Fairs: Time for a redesign?

Douglas P Olson, Barry G Fields, Stephen J Huot and Donna M Windish

Purpose: Community health fairs are an important part of public health yet little data exist that provide information as to why people attend.

Methods: This cross sectional study surveyed attendees at a health fair conducted in an urban, underserved community to determine attendees’ reasons for attending the event. The responses were coupled with results of screening tests.

Results: 228 attendees were surveyed, and nearly half (47%) of participants stated they came to the health fair for information or education; only 18% came for a diagnostic test or an examination. There were 71 attendees with a blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg, and 18 (25%) did not have a known diagnosis of hypertension. There were no new diagnoses of diabetes or HIV.

Conclusions: Nearly half of the people who attended this community health fair came for education and health information, and a minority came for a screening test or exam.