ISSN: 2329-9053

Jornal de Farmacêutica Molecular e Pesquisa de Processos Orgânicos

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Comparison of prescribing pattern in Schizophrenic patients in three different hospital set-ups

Mrs. Nancy Shah Dhamecha

Psychiatric disorders are the primary contributors to the burden of disease throughout the world. Schizophrenia has always been one of the most devastating groups of psychiatric illness, taking its toll on afflicted individuals as well as their families. Recent years have witnessed a new era in the treatment of Schizophrenia with widespread adoption of atypical antipsychotics overcoming the limitations of conventional antipsychotics. This observational prospective study was aimed to gain an insight into current prescribing practice in Schizophrenic patients in the Psychiatry department of three tertiary care hospitals. During the period of 10 months, patients meeting pre-determined study criteria were identified and their records were reviewed for various details. On comparing the pattern of use of antipsychotics in the management of Schizophrenia, it was observed that in all three centres, atypical antipsychotics were prescribed to majority of the patients (64.41-96.7%). Trend towards prescribing atypical over typical antipsychotics exist. However, the difference in prescribing of individual antipsychotic was found to be significant among three centres. Risperidone was found to be the most commonly prescribed atypical antipsychotic in two hospitals. while, in spite of being relatively new drug in the Indian market, the use Aripiprazole was widespread in the third hospital. However, prescribing of Olanzapine and Ziprasidone was not found to be differing significantly. Depot preparations of antipsychotics were also prescribed in 13-23 % of the patients.