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Rana Khalid Iqbal*
Composting is the process in which we controlled the process of decomposition and conversion of solid waste into humus-like material for further utilization, transfer of waste organic material into that material which is beneficial for environmental applications. Here we are discussing important parameters which based on the making of best quality of compost. For example, temperature, pH, moisture, carbon/nitrogen, oxygen, air, and nutrients these are main factors which required for proper manageable the food waste. Three major phases are involved in the composting process. Microorganisms e.g. fungi, rotifers, actinobacteria are types which present in active compost. Compost is an aerobic process for degradation of organic stuff and based on the breakdown of the large molecule into small by using living microorganism & microbes. We do food waste compost to reducing the erosion, prevent waste of food sources & controlled food waste, and save extra food for human consumption.