ISSN: 2572-0899

Revista Global de Enfermagem e Estudos Forenses

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Critical Care of Nurses Perception in Intensive Care

Maria lulea

To describe critical care nurses’ perception of moral distress during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Critical care nurses experienced the intensity of moral distress as the highest when no one decided to withdraw ventilator support to a hopelessly ill person (Futile care), and when they had to assist another physician or nurse who provided incompetent care (Poor teamwork). Thirty-nine percent of critical care nurses were considering leaving their current position because of moral distress. During the COVID-19 pandemic, critical care nurses, due to their education and experience of intensive care nursing, assume tremendous responsibility for critically ill patients. Throughout, communication within the intensive care team seems to have a bearing on the degree of moral distress. Improvements in communication and teamwork are needed to reduce moral distress among critical care nurses.