ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportamento de crianças e adolescentes

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Cyberbullying among Adolescents: A Comparison between Iran and Finland

Hassan Jaghoory, Kaj Björkqvist and Karin Österman

Objective: The study aimed at investigating differences in frequencies of both victimization and perpetration of cyberbullying among adolescents from Iran and Finland. Method: Data from a total of 1250 adolescents (615 boys, 635 girls) of three age groups (10, 13, and 15 years of age) were collected in Mashhad, Iran (n = 630) and Ostrobothnia, Finland (n = 620). The questionnaire consisted of variables measuring various types of cyberbullying, such as sending nasty text messages, nasty e-mails, and putting up nasty pictures and films on internet. Results: Both victimization and perpetration of cyberbullying of all kinds were clearly more frequent in Iran. Both sex and age differences occurred, but these showed different patterns in Iran and Finland. Conclusion: The overall higher levels of cyberbullying in Iran suggest that there are considerable cultural differences in the regulation of aggressive outlets among adolescents of the two countries studied. The variation in cyberbullying patterns due to sex and age in Iran and Finland points in the same direction.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.