ISSN: 2277-1891

Jornal Internacional de Inovações, Pensamentos e Ideias Avançadas

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Design and Development of High-Performance Intelligent Disaster Management System in IoT Paradigm-A Novel Architecture and Review on Challenges in Real Time Hazards Monitoring

Rahul D. Chavhan, Sachin U. Chavhan

In recent years India is suffering from various natural disaster which have great effect on social life of people and large burden on disaster management authority. The high frequency disaster causes a serious loss of property, life and present more complex damage. Disaster management involves the detailed process of disaster response. A high-performance intelligent disaster management system can realize the complete disaster avoidance and reduction from satellite mission planning, data production, data acquisition, with the application of remote sensing and managing integrated rapid service. The main objective of proposed work is to overcome the limitations of disaster management with a novel design and development of IoT based platform for the application of disaster management system.