ISSN: 2161-0711

Medicina Comunitária e Educação em Saúde

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Diversity Checkup: A Study of Multicultural Medicine

Jordan Hammock*, Sarina Saturn, Lauren Berger and Justin Zellinger

Objective: The failure to provide quality, patient centered healthcare has been directly associated with a lack of cultural diversity within the healthcare system itself [1]. The present study aims to capture community perceptions related to the lack of diversity in the Oregon healthcare system in an effort to determine what steps can and should be taken to promote more culturally sensitive  healthcare. The purpose of this study was to find what the underlying attitudes on diversity in healthcare are, what role diversity  plays in the healthcare we give and receive, and what can be done to increase diversity in healthcare.
Methods: A total of 767 healthcare workers, high school students, college students, and patients completed an online survey of attitudes on diversity in healthcare. The survey included a combination of close ended and open ended questions. Upon completion of the first survey, all respondents were invited to participate in a second survey that allowed them to elaborate on previous responses related to their personal experiences navigating diversity in healthcare.
Results: Most healthcare workers who participated in the survey identified as white/Caucasian, with very few respondents identifying with a racial minority. The majority of all participants noted they did not believe all patients are treated equitably on the basis of diversity, and many believed the lack of healthcare worker diversity contributed to this. Furthermore, among ethnically over and underrepresented college and high school students, lack of funding and lack of mentorship were deemed to be the most notable factors keeping them from pursuing a career in healthcare