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Dynamic Taping - A Biomechanical Taping Approach

Gopa Kumar

Dynamic taping works on load absorption; manages load and improves pattern of movement, Bungee cord effect describing the end point of deceleration and rebound effect creating resistance over the movement. The management of load, movement and function permeate many physiotherapeutic interventions and for good reason. Load has been shown to induce Tendinopathy and drive it through its various stages but is also essential in recovery. A combination of tensile load (overuse) and compressive load is most detrimental and tendons respond differently to different types of loading at different stages of the pathology. Specificity of loading is critical. Biomechanical evaluation and intervention is regularly incorporated into the management of musculoskeletal conditions. Alterations in kinetic and kinematic factors can be identified and addressing such factors can improve pain and function. Effect of dynamic taping in comparison with other taping methods has shown load absorption with the resistance provided by the tape. Dynamic Tape gives you springs.