ISSN: 2329-8863

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Effect of Foliar Nutrition on Growth, Yield Attributes and Seed Yield of Pulse Crops

Uma Maheswari M and Karthik A

Field experiment was conducted to find out the influence of foliar nutrition on growth and seed yield of pulse crop during Rabi 2013-14. The experiment was laid out in split plot design and replicated thrice. The pulse crop viz., blackgram, greengram, cowpea and horse gram were tried as treatments under main plot. Foliar nutrient sprays viz., 2% DAP, 1% KCL, 1% boron, 1% MgSO4, 1% ZnSO4 and without foliar spray were fitted under sub plot. Foliar spray treatment with the aqueous solution of nutrients was done to the 30 and 45 DAS of pulse crop. Significant increase was recorded in plant height, dry matter production, and number pod plant-1, number of seed plant-1, test grain weight, yield and grain yield with foliar application of nutrients. Maximum grain yield was recorded when spread with 2% DAP followed by 1% KCl at flowering and 15 days later is the viable nutrient management package to the pulses for getting higher income through higher productivity.

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