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Effect Of Gasoline Exposure On Lipid Profile Of Smoker And Nonsmoker Workers At Gasoline Refueling Service Stations

Hussain Al Wandawi, Dhiyaa SaleemJassim, Mohammed Essay Mohammad and Ali - Mahdi Mobarak

Background: Using lipid profile contents as cardiovascular biomarker risk factors, the cumulate effect of cigarette smoking and exposure to gasoline( petrol) was studied in a group of workers occupationally exposed at gasoline refueling stations. Gasoline components are toxic, and too much exposure can be deadly. Low and moderate doses may cause eyes, nose and throat irritation, headache, nausea, and dizziness. Higher doses may damage some vital organs such as, liver, kidneys, heart, neurological and hematopoietic systems and in some cases may lead to vision loss.

Objective: There is little or no documentation on the weather smokers occupationally exposed to gasoline vapors and spills are at gasoline refueling car stations are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to nonsmoker coworkers.

Methodology: Several gasoline refueling car stations were chosen at random in Hila city at central part of Iraq. The number of workers at each station was 8-10, provided they were non obese and non- diabetes, taking no medicine for heart problems, work 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, one day off). Each worker was informed about: the aim of the study and privacy of their personal data. They signed a written consent confirming their acceptance to participate in this study. Their personal database included age, duration of smoking and years of service. Blood samples were obtained by venipuncture technique, collected in EDTA and delivered to the lab within an hour after collection. ALipidPlus device, serum total cholesterol, NON – HDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides (TGs). LDL cholesterol was estimated using Friedewald equation.

Results: The interpretation of the results presented in tables and conclusions made, are mainly based checking with reference levels documented in medical practices, because no similar studies can be traced in literature. The elevation in the levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, non –HDL cholesterol among smoker workers compared to nonsmokers, and the high ratios for, TC (total cholesterol) / HDL – C (high density lipoprotein cholesterol) and TGs (triglycerides) / HDL – C (high density lipoprotein cholesterol) may also provide additional support to our conclusion that smokers occupationally exposed to gasoline are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to their nonsmoker colleagues.

Conclusions: In spite of difference in age and duration of service, smoker workers at gasoline refueling stations are at higher risks of cardiovascular disease compared to their nonsmokers colleagues. This may be due to the passive synergistic effect of tobacco smoke and gasoline exposure, because both contain of some toxic components that affect the circulatory system,. The another biomarker test, namely, the ratio of HDL - C / LDL- C values was showed to be of no significant value in our case and differences can be seen among smokers and nonsmokers

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.