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Chandan Kumar and Monika
Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of mental practice combine with Physical practice in post stroke patients.
Methodology: This was an experimental study of 30 stroke patients having first ever unilateral stroke. All the subjects were enrolled in identical subgroup and divided into two equal group one experimental and another control group. Experimental group did 30 to control group and displayed efficient improvement in motor function of the upper extremity after 6 weeks.
Conclusions: Mental practice with physical practice is more effective than physical practice alone, thereby providing evidence that it is a better strategy to include mental practice in combination with physical practice in stroke minutes mental practice followed by 30 minutes physical practice and control group performed 30 minutes physical practice. After completing 6 weeks of intervention in both the groups, posttest measurement done with Fugl- Meyer Assessment (FMA) scale.
Results: The result obtained from the study demonstrated that experimental group showed significant results as compared rehabilitation.