ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportamento de crianças e adolescentes

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Emotional Intelligence, Social Support and Conflict Management in Post Graduate Students of Pure Sciences and Social Sciences Major

Noreen Fatima, Ayesha Jabeen, Qamar Masqood

The present study aimed to examine the differences in emotional intelligence and conflict management in students of pure sciences and social sciences within our cultural context as they study different course content during their degree tenure along with the impact of social support on conflict management. Quantitative data was collected from the targeted population in form procedure of online {data collection} due to covid -19 pandemic Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test constructed by Salovey and Maye’s (1990) Conflict Resolution Style Scale developed by Mike Pedler and Tom Boydell in 1976 and The Multi-Dimensional Scale| of Perceived Social Support developed by| Gregory D. Zimet, Nancy W. Dahlem, Sara G. Zimet and Gordon K. Farley in 1988 were used and data was collected from postgraduate students (age range 23-30y) of pure sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) and social sciences (psychology, sociology and political science). Results showed that students from psychology department scored high on emotional intelligence test and are more collaborative than the students from sociology and political science. Students from social sciences were more accommodative and collaborative than pure sciences students. Moreover, perceived social support is significant predictor of avoiding, accommodating and collaborating styles of conflict management.

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