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Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy
Energetic Stress during pregnancy leads to the manifestation of the limiting symptoms of autism in the autistic child. Why is mainstream medicine ignoring this writing on the wall ?
The ONE common factor that is blatantly obvious which is present in ALL mothers with children with autism is Energetic Stress. While it may be argued that these mothers are stressed because they are having to deal with a child with autism, I would like to raise this question - What if it is the other way round - It is pregnant mothers who are ALREADY Energetically Stressed who eventually give birth to the child/children with autism who manifest the limiting symptoms of autism?
This editorial seeks to explore this topic, the first of its kind to present the connection between Energetic Stress in pregnant mothers being the primary cause for the child being born with the limiting symptoms of autism. Thus revealing the Solution for the healing of all the limiting symptoms in autism.
This pattern of the energetic stress in the parents, primarily in the mother became blatantly obvious to me right from my very first interaction with an autistic child and the parents, in my healing practice. Subsequent interactions with many other autistic children and their families confirmed the fact that the mothers of these children are already energetically stressed at an individual level themselves, either before and/or after conceiving the child. This led me to explore the connection between the energetically stressed state of being of the mothers during pregnancy and the subsequent birth of the child with the manifestations of the limiting symptoms of autism.