ISSN: 2329-8863

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Evaluation of Irrigation Scheduling Program and Wheat Yield Response in Egyptian Sandy Soil Conditions

Abou El-Enin MM

Two field experiments were performed in EL-Busily region, EL-Behira governorate under the condition of sandy soil during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons, to study the impact of three amount of water irrigation 60, 70 and 90% from evapotranspiration rate (1216 m3) and three compost rates (2, 4 and 6 ton/fed.) on some growth, yield and its components of two wheat varieties (sakha 93 and Gemmeiza 9). In both of seasons, the treatments were arranged in split split design in three replicates. Results of the two seasons showed that, by increasing the water irrigation amount from 60 to 70 or 90% of the evapotranspiration (1216 m3) that led to gradually significant increases for (leaf area (cm2)/plant, dry weight (gm)/plant) and yield and yield components (No. spikes/ m2, weight of grains /spike, No of grains/spike, weight of 1000 grains, economic yield (kg/fed) and harvest index). Compost rates had significant impacts on previous characteristics, during the two experimental seasons. The best compost rate was (6 ton/fed) which gave the best results for these traits. As compared with the lowest rate of 2 ton/fed. Results revealed that, Gemmieza 9 wheat variety exiled sakha 93 wheat variety significantly for above mentioned measurements during the two seasons. As for the first and second order interactions between the tested factors, results in the two trial seasons showed that, most of the interactions had significant effects on that character. It wealthy mentions that significant interaction effect was found between water irrigation amount with compost rates and wheat varieties was found during the two seasons. The highest values for previous characters were obtained by sowing Gemmieza-9 with adding irrigation quantity of 90% from evapotranspiration and practicing 6 ton compost per Fadden.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.