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Evaluation of the Portable THD� Anopress Device in Patients with Faecal Incontinence

Cosimo Alex Leo, Jamie Murphy, Emanuel Cavazzoni, Gregory P Thomas, Shafaque Shaikh, Jonathan D Hodgkinson, Janindra Warusavitarne and Carolynne J Vaizey

Background: THD Anopress® has been promoted as a new portable anal manometer providing measurements of whole anal canal pressures. This study aims to report the anorectal function of patients suffering from Faecal Incontinence (FI) using this new device and the associated patient comfort.
Methods: We reviewed data from patients suffering from FI who had been evaluated with the Anopress. The St Mark’s score had been routinely used to evaluate the severity of FI. Manometric parameters and pressures were evaluated. Acceptability of this test was also assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results: THD Anopress® device was used to assess 60 patients with FI. The median baseline St Mark’s FI score was 14 (7-24). A mixed FI was seen in 34 (57%) patients. Resting pressures were 25 (0-60) in the female group and 30 (0-52) mmHg in the male group. Maximum squeeze increments were 27 (6-106) in the female and 42 (6-99) mmHg in male subject group. Maximum endurance squeeze in 10 seconds were 32 (5-89) in the female and 31 (10-65) mmHg in the male groups. Involuntary maximum squeeze was 33 (6-103) in the female group and 27 (7-90) mmHg in the male group. These values were significantly reduced when compared to previously report normative values. The median VAS is of 0 at insertion and during the procedure.
Conclusion: The THD Anopress® device appears to detect anal sphincter dysfunction in those with symptomatic FI and is well tolerated.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.