ISSN: 2168-9806

Jornal de Metalurgia do Pó e Mineração

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Fe3O4's Phase Composition and Magnetic Properties are Affected by insitu Oxidation: Suggestions for Zinc Hydrometallurgy

Sun Dhriti Ghosh

The removal of iron in zinc hydrometallurgy results in the production of a significant amount of hazardous waste, which poses a serious and enduring environmental threat. As of late, an imaginative magnetite (Fe3O4) strategy for iron precipitation has been proposed. However, the oxidizing conditions in the pregnant leach solution from zinc hydrometallurgy cause Fe3O4's magnetic separation performance and phase composition to be sensitively altered.A variety of in-situ Fe3O4 samples with varying degrees of oxidation were created in this study. We found that oxidation didn't demolish the Fe expulsion and that all examples have a moderately high iron substance (>42.3%). In the meantime, although the samples' magnetic properties decreased from 32.31 to 6.56 emu/g, they were still able to be recovered (10.60 emu/g) by controlling the oxidation to some extent. As the degree of oxidation increases, there is a correlation between this and the phase transition of iron oxides. Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements have also shown that the change in Fe-O bond length is the mechanism by which oxidation affects magnetic properties. This work gives another technique to the commonsense ramifications of the "attractive iron" rather than the magnetite precipitation strategy in zinc hydrometallurgy.