ISSN: 2168-9806

Jornal de Metalurgia do Pó e Mineração

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Fracture Toughness of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Roller-Compacted Concrete Without Regard to Size

Sabrina Vantadori

The purpose of the current study is to demonstrate that the fracture toughness of hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete (HyFR-RCC), which is calculated using a modified two-parameter model, is size-effect independent (MTPM). The fracture behaviour of seven series of single edge-notched specimens made of both plain-RCCs and FR-RCCs (single and hybrid reinforcements), subjected to three-point bending, is simulated using a micromechanical numerical model [1]. To determine fracture toughness, the MTPM is applied to the numerical load vs CMOD curves. A comparison is made with experimental values that are listed in the literature. In order to demonstrate the size-effect independence, RCC specimens of various sizes are computationally simulated, and the fracture toughness is then evaluated analytically using the MTPM.

Before being compacted, layers of dense-graded aggregates, sand, Portland cement, and water are often distributed with one or more bulldozers in a type of stiff-dry, zero-slump concrete called roller-compacted concrete (RCC). In the 1960s, RCC was originally used in the construction of dams before becoming well-liked in the years that followed for the paving of storage areas, municipal and industrial roadways, and dam repair [2-7].The enhanced placement speed and significant cost savings compared to traditional Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) were the main drivers of the growing interest in RCC engineering applications. This is mostly attributable to the RCC mixture's differing constituent proportions compared to the PCC mixture, with a higher ratio of fine aggregates allowing for tight packing and consolidation. As a result, it is possible to obtain a fresh RCC that is stiffer than normal zero-slump concrete. In actuality, the combination is wet enough to allow for appropriate mixing and distribution of the paste without segregation while at the same time remaining stiff enough to maintain stability under vibratory rollers.