ISSN: 1522-4821

Jornal Internacional de Saúde Mental de Emergência e Resiliência Humana

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Free Yourself from Anxiety in A Natural Way

Qingcai Wang

Background: About 33% of people in the United States have anxiety disorders, which have more healthcare costs than other psychiatric disorders. Approximately 76.5% of non-compliance with the medications suggests that millions of patients suffering from anxiety disorders (including people with Alzheimer’s disease) need good drugs. Method: The herbal pouch of soothing anxiety is a taste-guided targeting therapy based on the updated Taichi YinYang and Five Elements model. Its indications are anxiety, irritability, nervousness, menopausal syndrome, postpartum depression, bereavement, and behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Attaching the herbal pouch to a patient’s navel with a belt 12-24 hours/day will achieve the desired effect; changing a new pouches every five days/120 hours. Results: All six patients aged 34-73 had significant improvements in anxiety. It was immensely beneficial for people in divorce and bereavement periods. Notably, it did not cause perceptible side effects. The recoveries of menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, and amenorrhea, which are associated with anxiety, were achieved along with the other two herbal pouch products: menstrual disorders and amenorrhea. Conclusions: The herbal pouch of soothing anxiety significantly improved anxiety without causing perceptible side effects. The results justify randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials.