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Gait Changes in a Hemiplegic Patient Using an Ankle-Foot Orthosis with an Oil Damper: A Case Report

Sumiko Yamamoto

This study utilized a single case design to evaluate the effects of an ankle-foot orthosis with an oil damper (AFOOD) that was developed to assist heel rocker function during gait. The gait of a single patient with stroke-related hemiplegia was measured by a 3D motion analysis system. Gait without an AFO and then after training with the AFO-OD were compared. Results showed improvement in temporal and spatial parameters when the patient walked with the AFO-OD, and height and progressive velocity of the center of gravity showed the movement as an inverted pendulum as seen in ankle rocker movement during normal gait. Peak plantar flexion moment in late stance was increased despite the AFO-OD not assisting the plantar flexors. These results indicate that assistance of heel rocker function by the AFO-OD improved the gait of the hemiplegic patient.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.