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Green Chemistry Education at PreGraduation Level: Necessity or Need ?

Sanjay K. Sharma

Green Chemistry1 is based on a set of radical ideas (a set of 12 Scientific Principles) that overlap with the principles of sustainability and propose a modern version of chemistry that is less toxic, less hazardous, highly efficient and non-polluting2. We have started teaching Green Chemistry at College and University Level in India, but lacking at Pre - Graduation (K12 Level) stage . Green Chemistry must be initiated at Pre-Graduation Level, then only it’ll serve its real purpose at higher education level. Teenage students are particularly sensitive to environmental issues and so, adding the basics of Green Chemistry may also serve to boost their interest and motivation to learn chemistry at preuniversity level and beyond. It is very much needed to convey the students that it is more of a ‘chemistry FOR the environment’, i.e. a more environmentally friendly chemistry rather than a ‘chemistry OF the environment’, i.e. environmental chemistry that explains nature and the impact of man on the nature. In the present talk, we are trying to advocate the same.