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How does a Walking Programme Assist You in Remaining Physically Active Role does Endurance Exercise Play in Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Adeniyi Obi

Walking is a low-cost, simple, and straightforward form of exercise. Walking can be anything from a leisurely stroll through the park to a strenuous hike. The Benefits of Walking Why not incorporate walking into our daily routine because it is the most basic, inexpensive, and simple form of exercise? Walking can be anything from a leisurely stroll through the park to a strenuous hike. Walking is a great way to stay physically active because it can be done almost anywhere and at any time, and all you need are good shoes . Cardiovascular/Aerobic Fitness and Health Walking for 30 to 60 minutes at a moderate pace most days of the week can provide many of the health benefits of a physically active lifestyle, such as lowering blood pressure, improving sleep, increasing energy, delaying ageing, and lowering the risk of illness.