ISSN: 2332-0877

Jornal de doenças infecciosas e terapia

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Hydatidosis of the Pelvis: Six Cases and Review of the Literature

El-Mehdi Sabri, Lazrek Omar, Fekhaoui Med Reda, Monsef Boufettal, Reda Allah Basir, Hicham Ait Benali, Mohamed Kharmaz Moulay Omar Lamrani, Mahfoud Mustapha, Ahmed El- Bardouni and Mohamed Saleh Berrada

Bone hydatid disease is a rare, even in endemic areas like Morocco. There are no parallels between the often poor clinical and extensive anatomical lesions, thus explaining the delay in diagnosis. Our retrospective study of 6 cases of hydatid disease of the collected basin traumatology-orthopedic department at Ibn SINA hospital RABAT on 7 years duration, leads to a number of conclusions; these 6 cases illustrate the rarity of the disease, even in countries considered endemic. It is a disease of adults, given the clinical latency characteristic of this condition. The average age of our patients was 38 years with a male predominance. Paraclinical explorations have benefited from technological advances in 2 levels, the diagnosis with sero-immunological reactions increasingly sensitive and specific, a staging with the addition of ultrasound, CT and MRI. Diagnosis is difficult despite modern means of investigation and only the pathological examination to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment is primarily surgical. Given the delay in diagnosis and the difficulties of the radical surgical care, recurrences are common, and the prognosis is unfortunate. In the end, we must emphasize the role of a scheduled prophylaxis and organized nationally for the eradication of the disease.