ISSN: 2572-0899

Revista Global de Enfermagem e Estudos Forenses

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Identification of the Factors of Utilization Pattern of Post Natal Services by the Mothers and Their Satisfaction Level in a Selected Rural Community, West Bengal

Moumita Bishnu Roy

A descriptive survey to identify factors of utilization pattern of postnatal services by the mothers and their satisfaction level among 100 mothers having baby of 6 weeks to 6 months of age. The conceptual framework was based on Anderson Model of Health service utilization. Non –probability purposive sampling technique was used. Data were collected through valid and reliable tools which included a semi structure interview schedule, record analysis proforma and a rating scale. The study revealed that majority (86%) of the mothers were not aware about the postnatal services and only (34%) of the participants utilized three postnatal visits. It was also found out that majority of the mothers were satisfied related to physical facilities of the post-natal service except for waiting time where majority of the mothers were partially satisfied. (52%). Regarding health worker’s behavior majority was satisfied, except for maintaining privacy for examination where majority of them were partially satisfied, (65%). Majority of the mothers were satisfied with the quality of post-natal care, except for conveying the findings where majority were partially satisfied (55%). The study further revealed that there is significant association between mother’s education and utilization pattern of post-natal services at 0.05 level of significance as evidenced by x2 = 5.8The study also revealed that there is significant association between husband’s education (x2 =5.1), and per- capita income(x2 =4.5) with immunization on schedule date.