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Impact of Sexuality on Full Term Expectant Mothers Labor Induction in Parakou

Hounkponou FNM, Ahouingnan AY, Kiki O, Kikala FGMY, Gbevo S, Laourou H, Aboubakar M, Obossou AAA, Sidi RI, Vodouhè M, Tonato Bagnan JA, Salifou K and Akpona S

Introduction: The expectant mother’s natural body changes will lead the couple to redefine their emotional and sexual life throughout pregnancy.
Objective: Study the influence of sexuality on full term expectant mothers’ labor induction in Parakou.
Methods: It was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study conducted from 15th April to 15th August 2017 in Parakou public maternity wards. Prospective data collection was carried out, along with a comprehensive census of full term expectant mothers with no fetal anomaly incompatible with life and able to deliver vaginally.
Outcomes: Globally, 141 expectant mothers were enrolled in the study, including 47 practicing sexual abstinence (group A) and 94 sexually active (group B). The frequency of weekly sexual activities ranged from 1 to 7 with 2.4 ± 1.5 as mean value. According to group B expectant mothers practicing intra-vaginal ejaculation, sexual intercourse would facilitate delivery (80.00%, p=0.0006). Group B expectant mothers (87, 92.55%) engaged in sexual fondling, including 82 (94.25%) who practiced nipple stimulation. 23 (28.75%) regularly reached orgasm. Nipple stimulation and orgasm influenced significantly spontaneous labor with p=0.0001 and 0.0006 respectively. Among Group A expectant mothers, there were 9 or 19.15% prolonged pregnancy against 0% for Group B, 15 or 31.91% spontaneous delivery against 05.32% for Group B and 9 or 19.15% cesarean section against 4.25% for group B. There is a statistically significant link between sexuality and the mode of delivery (p=0.0001).
Conclusion: Nipple stimulation and orgasm during full term pregnancy facilitate spontaneous labor in childbirth process.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado.