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Impacts of Renal Denervation and Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Acute Renal Failure Induced by Renal Ischemia Reperfusion injury in Rat Model

Dr. Mohamed H ElSayed

Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury (IRI) is characterized by temporary cessation followed by restoration of blood supply and re-oxygenation of a certain organ. In the kidney, IRI contributes to Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) with rapid kidney damage and high morbidity and mortality rates. A surgical or drug-induced blockage of renal sympathetic nerve prevents, partially, the development of IR-induced AKI. Modulation of the Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway (CAP) by Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) has also a delayed but effective impact in renal IRI. However, the combined effect of renal sympathectomy and VNS had not been well investigated.