ISSN: 2332-0877

Jornal de doenças infecciosas e terapia

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Infectious Thoracic Aortitis: A Case Report

Chemchik H, Achèche W, Amara A, Abidi S, Kotas C, Alimi F and Said R

Aortitis is a term that refers to infectious or noninfectious conditions in which there is abnormal inflammation of the aortic wall. Here we report the case of a 32 years old woman who presented a diabetic Ketoacidosis. The thoraco abdominal CT scan showed endoluminal defect of the thoracic aorta with splenic and reanl infarction. Transesophageal echocardiogram showed a normal aortic and mitral valve and an obstructive vegetation linning the aortic wall. Blood culture were negative, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was isolated. The patient died after surgery (vegetectomy).