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Influence of Various Compounds with Glyprolines on Acth-4-7 Effects in Pain-Induced Aggressive-Defensive Behavior in Rats

Severyanova LA and Plotnikov DV

We studied the effects of ACTH4-7 (the N-terminal fragment of the corresponding pituitary hormone molecule) on the pain-induced aggressive-defensive behavior in the foot-shock model in rats. The peptide was administered intraperitoneally in the saline at the doses 17, 50, 150 and 450 mcg/kg 12 min before the unavoidable painful stimulation of a pair of rats in an electrified camera. The analgesic and anti-aggressogenic effects of the peptide were found. These effects were significally enhanced after administration of the peptides synthesized by means of binding of the amino acids chain Pro-Gly-Pro to one or both ends of ACTH4-7 molecule. The data obtained increase the possibility of searching and using drugs to correct aggression.