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Paul Landon V, Nicholas H Bergman, Jennifer S Goodrich, Jennifer Osborn and Patrick Fitch J
The National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) plays a central role in the US Biodefense community, and its unique mission has driven NBACC to make dual use research of concern (DURC) review a focus since inception. Review of research results prior to external release began in 2007 and an institution-level review of all projects that considers DURC was implemented beginning in 2011. The DURC review process at NBACC has evolved through four approaches—each with advantages and disadvantages—that are all consistent with the recently issued U.S. Government Policy for Institutional Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern. The current NBACC review process emphasizes Principal Investigator (PI) ownership and accountability, builds transparency in DURC review, and is specifically tailored to NBACC in order to reinforce an institutional culture of responsibility. This paper summarizes NBACC’s evolutionary process for effective DURC review.