ISSN: 2161-0711

Medicina Comunitária e Educação em Saúde

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Interprofessional Collaboration in High Performing Healthcare Teams

Zilola Khashimova

As healthcare becomes more complicated, it is important for healthcare workers to collaborate and work together as a team to provide high quality healthcare to patients. Interprofessional teams have been widely introduced into healthcare organizations across the nation aimed at achieving patient centered care and increasing the quality of patient care. The introduction of technology like electronic medical records, escribing, telehealth, and telemedicine gave interprofessional collaborators alternative mediums for communication to achieve patient centered care rather than traditional communication mediums. Technology has evolved the way interprofessional collaboration is done in the healthcare field and has created barriers and solutions for interprofessional team practice.

The primary focus of the case is to support a discussion of the communication barriers and issues between interprofessional collaborators involved in the situation. In addition, this case offers an example of the impact of technology, company culture, inclusiveness, and cohesion on interprofessional collaboration and its members.