ISSN: 2375-4494

Comportamento de crianças e adolescentes

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Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Risky Sexual Behavior and Condom Utilization among Regular Students of Mizan-Tepi University, South West Ethiopia

Andualem Henok, Anteneh Kassa, Astehun Lenda, Atalay Nibret1 and Tafesse Lamaro

Background: Students of higher institutions are assumed to be exposed to many risky sexual behaviors. However, little was explored about the knowledge, attitude and practice of risky sexual behavior and condom utilization on the context of higher education institutions in Ethiopia. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of risky sexual behavior and condom utilization among Mizan-Tepi University regular students. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted among students of Mizan-Tepi University in 2014. The study was conducted among 284 students selected by systematic random sampling. The data was collected by using selfadministered questionnaire. The data was entered in to Epidata 3.1 and transported to SPSS version 17 for analysis. Results: Among the participants, 93% had good knowledge towards risky sexual behavior and condom utilization. About 59.8% and 96.4% of study participants know about ways of transmission of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS respectively. Among study participants 59.5% know that alcohol intake, chewing chat and smoking cigarette expose to unwanted pregnancy, STIs and HIV/AIDS. Among participants, 71% had positive attitude towards condom utilization. Among the participants, 41.9% ever had sexual intercourse, of those 60.5% ever had used condom. Most (66%) started sexual intercourse before joining university. Among participants 35% who ever had sexual intercourse reported to have ever used condom consistently. From those who ever had sexual intercourse 27% of participants had sexual intercourse with commercial sex workers and 19% with casual partners. Current substance users were about 2.5 times more likely to be involved in risky sexual behavior compared to nonusers and those drinking alcohol daily were 3.5 times more likely to be involved in it. Conclusion: Risky sexual behavior such as having multiple sexual partner and unsafe sexual practice with nonregular partner exists. The university and local government bodies shall work together to address the identified risky behaviors with particular focus on behavior change and communication.

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